About Montlure

Montlure is owned by the two Presbyteries of Arizona; the Grand Canyon Presbytery and the de Cristo Presbytery.
Montlure is a special place for children, youth and adults in the ministries of the church. It provides the opportunity for a Christian experience in a setting that places it apart from the everyday world. It brings campers in touch with the beauty of creation where God’s role in their lives is made real and enriches their relationships with others. The primary emphasis of this ministry is to offer a Christian experience through a carefully developed curriculum and competent directors and counselors who staff the camp each week. Summer overnight camping sessions are held for grades 4 through high school seniors, and day camps are held for grades 1 through 6. Countless generations have benefited from the Montlure camping experience each summer.

About Montlure

Montlure is owned by the two Presbyteries of Arizona; the Grand Canyon Presbytery and the de Cristo Presbytery. Montlure is a special place for children, youth and adults in the ministries of the church. It provides the opportunity for a Christian experience in a setting that places it apart from the everyday world. It brings campers in touch with the beauty of creation where God’s role in their lives is made real and enriches their relationships with others. The primary emphasis of this ministry is to offer a Christian experience through a carefully developed curriculum and competent directors and counselors who staff the camp each week. Summer overnight camping sessions are held for grades 4 through high school seniors, and day camps are held for grades 1 through 6. Countless generations have benefited from the Montlure camping experience each summer.


Our Mission

Montlure is a ministry rooted in the beauty of creation, offering a safe and nurturing space for all to connect lives through transformation, restoration, and faith exploration.

Our Values

Montlure Camp is a ministry for all to find and grow their faith in Jesus Christ. The key elements of our ministry are:

  • A Christ-centered camping program of the highest quality
  • An environment where camp staff and volunteers are nurtured to become Christian leaders
  • Creative stewardship of our site and facilities, making continual improvements while respectful of what has been passed on to us by previous generations
  • A forum for establishing and developing strong connections between churches of the Presbyteries of Grand Canyon and de Cristo
  • A ministry that complements the Christian Education programs of our constituent churches
  • A theology rooted in the essential tenets of the Reformed Faith as expressed in the creeds and confessions of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
  • Sound fiscal and organizational management, including an off-season rental program for families, churches and other compatible groups

Camp Council & Staff

The reason Montlure exists today is due to the endless effort of the Montlure Council and staff who ensure the business of camp is accounted for and given the appropriate attention and action when needed. The Council is composed of members of all ages, from both de Cristo and Grand Canyon Presbyteries. The Council meets on a quarterly basis, along with monthly committee meetings.

Camp Council & Staff

The reason Montlure exists today is due to the endless effort of the Montlure Council and staff who ensure the business of camp is accounted for and given the appropriate attention and action when needed. The Council is composed of members of all ages, from both de Cristo and Grand Canyon Presbyteries. The Council meets on a quarterly basis, along with monthly committee meetings.


Executive Director

Executive Director

Kellie von Borstel – camp@montlure.org


Kellie completed her M.Div from Fuller Seminary and brings to Montlure 20 years of church ministry experience, including positions as Director of Young Adults, Christian Education Director, and Outreach Director. In early 2017, a call from Montlure set Kellie’s ministry path on a new trajectory.

“I’ve always dreamed of running a camp, even exploring camp properties with friends who shared that dream back in the early 2000s. However, my took me to work within a traditional church setting since 2004.

When Montlure first approached me with a job opportunity, I initially said, “no” as I didn’t realize my dream was standing right in front of me. After several conversations about the needs and potential direction of the mission of Montlure, I felt a clear call to be part of this beautiful ministry, which has also been part of countless lives over many generations. Montlure hasn’t just been a dream; it has been a true gift and blessing in my life. I’m honored to be part of this vibrant community with such a rich history.

Together, we will continue to walk in faith and see how God uses Montlure for His Kingdom.”

Council Members

Council Members

  • Cameron Mitchell – President
    (de Cristo)
  • Mike Gerlach – Vice President
    (Grand Canyon)
  • Cecilia Thunberg – Treasurer
    (Grand Canyon)
  • Laura Knorr – Secretary
    (Grand Canyon)



  • Theresa Asher (Grand Canyon)
  • John Baumberger  (de Cristo)
  • Bradley Bishop (de Cristo)
  • Bill Heinle (de Cristo)
  • Marcy Snitzer (Grand Canyon)
  • Sean Snitzer (Grand Canyon)
  • George Van Otten  (de Cristo)
  • Theresa Asher (Grand Canyon)
  • John Baumberger  (de Cristo)
  • Bradley Bishop (de Cristo)
  • Bill Heinle (de Cristo)
  • Marcy Snitzer (Grand Canyon)
  • Sean Snitzer (Grand Canyon)
  • George Van Otten  (de Cristo)


Montlure is always looking for people with a love of Jesus and a compassion for Christian camp ministry to be members of the Montlure Council. Council members serve 3-year terms and are needed for a variety of professional skill-sets.

If you have any questions for the Council, or are interested in serving on the Council, please contact Montlure by using the form below, or at camp@montlure.org.


Montlure is always looking for people with a love of Jesus and a compassion for Christian camp ministry to be members of the Montlure Council. Council members serve 3-year terms and are needed for a variety of professional skill-sets.

If you have any questions for the Council, or are interested in serving on the Council, please contact Montlure by using the form below, or at camp@montlure.org.



Connect with Us

Connect with Us

Please feel free to reach out any time for questions or comments. Use one of the methods below and will get back to you as soon as we are able.

Phone: (520) 369 -2199

Please note, we have limited “office” hours. Please leave us a message and we will make sure someone returns your call.




General Mailing Address:

6659 E University Drive
Mesa, AZ 85205

Please note, the address above is our general mailing address for the off-season. It is not for camper mail, nor the physical address for camp.

Physical camp address is located at 1 County Rd 1121, Greer, AZ 85927

Camper mail is sent to a PO BOX that parents will receive in the Welcome Packet prior to camp.


Quick Contact

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Our Story

Montlure’s story begins with those who had a vision of what camping ministry could do in the lives of Arizonans nearly 100 years ago. Today, we continue to be faithful with the foundations that generations before have left us, and we are planning for the future and what we might leave to the future generations of Montlure campers. Click the buttons below to read on about our past, present, and future hope for the mission and ministry of Montlure.

Our Story

Montlure’s story begins with those who had a vision of what camping ministry could do in the lives of Arizonans nearly 100 years ago. Today, we continue to be faithful with the foundations that generations before have left us, and we are planning for the future and what we might leave to the future generations of Montlure campers. Click the buttons below to read on about our past, present, and future hope for the mission and ministry of Montlure.









Office Address:
6659 E University Dr
Mesa, AZ 85205

Camp Location:
1 Co Rd 1121
Greer, AZ 85927
Link to Map

Phone:  520 369 2199
E-mail:  camp@montlure.org

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Summer Employment
Job Openings

Summer Volunteers
Position Openings

CIT Program


Countdown to SUMMER 2025









Office Address:
6659 E University Dr
Mesa, AZ 85205

Camp Location:
1 Co Rd 1121
Greer, AZ 85927
Link to Map
Phone: 520 369 2199
E-mail:  camp@montlure.org

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